Family Law and Divorce

When you’re in the midst of a divorce, you may experience intense feelings of loneliness or that nobody understands what you’re going through.

Those are both totally legitimate reactions to a difficult situation that can feel like you’re in a slow-motion car wreck.

And as hard as things may be, it can be comforting to know that you aren’t alone. At the very least, understanding the top reasons for divorce may help you make sense of the forces that have driven you apart.

Or maybe things just seem “off” with you and your spouse lately. Your arguments have become more frequent and your fights last longer. All marriages hit a rough patch sooner or later. Knowing why people get a divorce may help you learn from the mistakes of others so you can right the ship.

With that, let’s take a look at the most common reasons for divorce…

Read more at: Survived Divorce 

In these circumstances, we understand the empathy, compassion, and advocacy that you need in your corner. At Haynes Law Group, we strive to respect your needs while working tirelessly to help you find the best outcome for your situation.


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